"In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do that by what you did."
- Mark Twain
It was one of those days when you've got work coming out of your ears, your hair wont go the way you want it too and the only thing that's on your mind is him, or lack of him. stress.
This picture and all the other ones we took weren't about looking good in our bikinis and showing off what we got under all those clothes ;) - it was about living your life. CARPE DIEM BABY! seize the day :)
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
If i was a billionaire...
firstly, i got UBER excited when i logged on and saw i got my first follower! so thank you to her :)
i thought i would start a fun little post that i would do consistency called 'If i was a billionaire...' to show items i would purchase in a heartbeat if i had all the money in the world, they wont always be super expensive items but ones i would buy if i wasn't a student who has to think "if i buy that £40 dress,will i have enough money to buy dinner? ohh bother bother!" tough decisions!
so here is my first one :)
If i was a billionaire... i would buy a paul's boutique 'roxanne' bag (£70):
i thought i would start a fun little post that i would do consistency called 'If i was a billionaire...' to show items i would purchase in a heartbeat if i had all the money in the world, they wont always be super expensive items but ones i would buy if i wasn't a student who has to think "if i buy that £40 dress,will i have enough money to buy dinner? ohh bother bother!" tough decisions!
so here is my first one :)
If i was a billionaire... i would buy a paul's boutique 'roxanne' bag (£70):
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♥ |
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
lookie lookie what i found on the topshop website:
I used to have a pair of dungarees exactly like this when i was 6! i could never imagine wearing this now and have no have clue as to what i would team it up with considering i used to wear my dungarees with a t-shirt, frilly socks and of course light up trainers! any suggestions
I saw this as well....
i've never been one for out there fashion but i cant imagine the most chic of fashionistas finding this appealing. yuck.
I used to have a pair of dungarees exactly like this when i was 6! i could never imagine wearing this now and have no have clue as to what i would team it up with considering i used to wear my dungarees with a t-shirt, frilly socks and of course light up trainers! any suggestions
I saw this as well....
i've never been one for out there fashion but i cant imagine the most chic of fashionistas finding this appealing. yuck.
have you met my boyfriend? his name is paul...
A bag is the most important accessory you will ever own, fact. So let me introduce you to mine.
if your anything like me then you’ll get a cheap thrill every time you see a ‘what’s in my bag’ type posting/video, not so much to see the junk that people carry around day to day, but purely and simply because you can tell a lot from a person by what they carry their swagger in. so since I’ve seen quite a few people postings/ making videos about their bags, I thought I would join in :)
if your anything like me then you’ll get a cheap thrill every time you see a ‘what’s in my bag’ type posting/video, not so much to see the junk that people carry around day to day, but purely and simply because you can tell a lot from a person by what they carry their swagger in. so since I’ve seen quite a few people postings/ making videos about their bags, I thought I would join in :)
this is the love of my life, he was my gift from my friends on my 18th birthday. unless you live under a rock you probably know about pauls boutique. I had been obsessed with getting one for about a year so you can imagine my glee when I unwrapped this beauty! why so obsessed? I hear you ask, well to me a paul's boutique bag screams personality and with its individual customisation you know you own something that’s different to everyone else’s. oh and obviously they are oh so fabulous.
♥ |
Monday, 13 September 2010
whoever said the best things in life are free....
...clearly didn't shop at Urban Decay!
You get 16 shadow colours :
PERVERSION – Matte Black // UZI – Metallic silver with iridescent sparkles //LOADED – Blackened Forest Green //KUSH – Bright Green //MCRA – Golden Beige with neutral glitter //LAST CALL – Plum Punch //ROCKSTAR – Aubergine with neutral leanings //MONEY – Dull Platinum //HAIGHT – Shimmering Mediterranean Teal //MAUI WOWIE – Medium gold with silver glitter
SMOG – Coppery bronze //BORDELLO – Neutral Pink that leans to gold // RADIUM – Bright metallic blue //SNATCH – Peach-pink with glitter //SUSPECT – Oyster with dimensional shift //PSYCHEDELIC SISTER – Purple amethyst.
2 eyeliners: ZERO (black) and RANSOM (metallic purple) and a little pot of their ‘eyeshadow primer potion’ so it is worth the money.
However i'm a bit sceptical of the eyeliners staying power as I did a swatch on my hand and it didn’t pass the ‘rub and stay’ test. ohhh nooo!
On the other hand I’m seriously impressed with the beautifulness of the eye shadows. I’ve always been a lover of gold and bronze eye shadows so 'maui wowie, smog, suspect' were right up my street! shimmery without that tacky overloadness of glitter.
I was also amazed at how well they blend together to make new colours, for instance, I wasn’t to keen on 'loaded' but mixed together with 'uzi' I fell head over heels in <3 with the metallic teal colour it created.
I’ve never been one for the blues but urban decay got some serious brownie points from me for 'radium' and 'haight'! I need not even explain, the picture says it all!
Friday, 10 September 2010
one step forward, two steps back.
Ok , so to say that I jumped into making a blog without a second thought is quite an understatement! I'm still not 100% sure what I'm doing but I'm learning quite quickly so yay me! I've made a few mistakes (like deleting the 'following' gadget) so in the words of winnie the pooh "oh bother bother"
I'm returning back to university next week and by then I PROMISE to have this blog on the go as I'm making doodles about how to make this blog SPECTACULAR :)
until then
I'm returning back to university next week and by then I PROMISE to have this blog on the go as I'm making doodles about how to make this blog SPECTACULAR :)
until then
Thursday, 9 September 2010
the new girl
So I'm the new girl around here. I'll be honest with you, I have no idea what I'm doing. So that is the reason that this blog is going to look pretty 'bog standard' for a while (excuse my tatty language).
I know most people blog about aspects that they are rather passionate about albeit fashion, music or what happened on 'enders last night (I heard Peggy is going to die! SHOCK, HORROR). I've always loved fashion but not in a 'must buy everything on the catwalk ASAP or will lose serious fashion brownie points' way, I'm not one for couture and i would take Primark over Prada any day so if your looking to know about the runways of Paris and Milan, then i suggest you click away now. The same applies if your looking for someone to tell you about bands who’s music will set your soul alight, I’ve only been to two concerts (Metallica and Green day) and one Camden gig (storey- AMAZING band) so I wont be much help on that topic, more importantly, I must confess I’m a dedicated follower of Mr Kanye West and I don’t think I’m going to stray anytime soon. Sorry my darlings. Although if its make-up you want to know about then that’s my niche and I can help you any way you need with that, just ask :)
So now that I’ve explained what this blog is not how about I tell you what it is? *drum roll please* and STOP the drum roll as I’m not entirely sure myself! I’m thinking it will be more a day to day online journal explaining to those who will listen, well technically read, about the trials and tribulations of my life (Yay!)
So now that I’m going to let you in on the in workings of my mind I really should introduce myself, shouldn’t I? I’m Nash, yes its short for something and I’ll let you know what when I know you a bit better :), I’m a 19 year old girl studying social sciences at university. I love love love ASOS and have an obsession with movies from the 1980s. ohh yeah and I’ll take my tea with milk and 2 sugars.
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